
4 cooking stories of the Four Leaf Clover

In the "4 stories of the Four Leaf Clover" edition, we have prepared a brand new comic book.... Jiří Poborák | Pavlásek Lukáš | Krajčovič Radim | Serbian Tomas
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218 CZK (9,08 €)
List price: 290 CZK (12,08 €)
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List Number: 30941
EAN: 9788087849699
Price excluding VAT:217,50 CZK (9,06 €)
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In the "4 stories of the Four Leaf Clover" edition, we have prepared a brand new comic book. This time on a cooking topic.
The book contains the stories: Magdalena cooks today, The chef's secret, The lost recipe and The super cook.
In addition, you will find four original four-leaf clover recipes in the publication.
The authors of the stories are Lukáš Pavlásek, Radim Krajčovič, Jiří Poborák, and Tomáš Srb.
The illustrations were drawn by Jaroslav Němeček.

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