
American vacation - With the family on a trip through the western USA

Humorous family road trip across America from the author of the book Under Annapurna the dawn is blue. Jiří Fišar
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158 CZK (6,58 €)
List price: 198 CZK (8,25 €)
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List Number: 26367
EAN: 9788075657459
Price excluding VAT:158,40 CZK (6,60 €)
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Humourous family road trip across America from the author of the book Under Annapurna dawns blue. Children should make their dreams come true. And when two teenage sons desperately need to see and experience America, the parents finally pack their bags, buy the plane tickets, and the genuine road trip can begin! Jiří Fišar, the author of the successful book Pod Annapurna svíta modre, really went on an adventurous journey through the western USA with his wife and two sons. With insight and relentless humor, he tells the story of this somewhat unconventional journey, in which he guides the reader through the pitfalls of traveling with teenage children (and with a wife, let's not forget her!) through national parks and big cities. If you have children and big travel plans, this is the book for you. But actually for everyone who likes travel stories, America and wise humor.

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