
April riddles

Author: Jiří Žáček Format: 195 x 231 x 9 mm Number of pages: 48 Binding: Paperback Manufacturer: Šulc-Švarc Release year: 2020
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List Number: 19502
EAN: 9788072444489
Price excluding VAT:114,73 CZK (4,78 €)
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Author: Jiří Žáček
Format: 195 x 231 x 9 mm
Number of pages: 48
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: Šulc-Švarc
Release year: 2020

Jiří Žáček wrote a sequel to April Fool's Day for the children to enjoy. Veronika Balcarová richly illustrated the new puzzles sorted by alphabet and other language puzzles and pictorial puzzles. Solving puzzles requires a sharp mind, and when children practice it in this way, they can only enjoy it. Guess, guess, guessers — but whoever gets it wrong, don't frown upon the world!

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