
Bernard Montgomery

Moreman Tim
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52 CZK (2,17 €)
List price: 69 CZK (2,88 €)
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List Number: 05268
EAN: 9788072436156
Price excluding VAT:51,75 CZK (2,16 €)
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FIELD MARSHAL BERNARD LAW MONTGOMERY is the most famous and controversial British general of the Second World War, about whom there are fierce disputes to this day. He was known for his high demands and standards and had a conflicted personality, but above all, he had the gift of a warrior. He commanded the British 8th Army when it defeated Rommel in North Africa. He then prepared Operation Overlord and commanded the 21st Army Group during the campaign in Western Europe. His greatest weakness, however, was his arrogance and unsociable character traits, constantly testing the patience of other senior Allied officers. Tim Moreman meticulously researches and documents the life and career of this brilliant but scarred man, offering insight into the soul and mind of one of the most enigmatic and important figures of World War II.

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