
God cards

God cards (54 pcs.) are a great success, especially in groups of Christian youth,
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151 CZK (6,29 €)
List price: 189 CZK (7,88 €)
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In stock (2 )
List Number: 23531
EAN: 8595142600024
Price excluding VAT:124,96 CZK (5,21 €)
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God's cards (54 pcs) are a great success mainly in groups of Christian youth, but they can also be used during a quiet moment of the day or during spiritual accompaniment. They originated in the Global Student Mission organization in England, with a focus on evangelism and Christian formation of university students, but the use is much wider. A set of questions helps to deepen the discipleship relationship with Jesus Christ and strengthen the values ​​of the gospel. The cards are, among other things, a great gift for confirmed men, for senior ministers, for Christian scouts or for any community.

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