
Inferno CD

Author: Dan Brown Read by: Miroslav Táborský
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375 CZK (15,63 €)
List price: 469 CZK (19,54 €)
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List Number: 03272
EAN: 8594072271458
Price excluding VAT:375,20 CZK (15,63 €)
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Saving the world with symbols and ciphers? In the next installment of the world bestsellers Sifra Mistra Leonardo, Angels and Demons a> and Lost symbol you have the opportunity to meet Professor Langdon again, whom Brown sends to solve the mystery hidden in the first part of the Divine Comedy called Inferno, by the Italian Renaissance artist Dante Alighieri. Enjoy a spectacular literary thriller based on insights from art history, exact sciences and cryptology.

We also have Brown's novel from behind the scenes of secret services and high politics A web of lies.

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