
CD SH - Mlsný Hurvínek

Number of CDs: 1 Release date: 2006
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170 CZK (7,08 €)
List price: 212 CZK (8,83 €)
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In stock (1 )
List Number: 19825
EAN: 8594002282387
Price excluding VAT:140,17 CZK (5,84 €)
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Number of CDs: 1
Release date: 2006

1. Mr. Spejbl has bought
2. A dessert that came to life
3. Hurvínek and Mánička suffer
4. A few hiccups were enough
5. Whipped cream, cake and chocolate Hurvínek
6. Meeting guaranteed real Indians
7. His Highness von Bonbón
8. Casket and wreath
9. Hurvínek and Mánička on the Great Lake
10. Mr. Spejbl goes to get ice
11. Meeting with selected vegetables and pizzas
12. Fortune teller Polaris, an old singing fish and a mysterious spirit
13. Spejbla pierces the heart – Kateřina talks about love
14. Hurvínek and Mánička na lemon
15. Something happened

to Mrs. Katerina
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