
CD Initiation into cosmic truths

Zdenka Blechová
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312 CZK (13,00 €)
List price: 390 CZK (16,25 €)
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In stock (1 )
List Number: 01764
EAN: 8594163770082
Manufacturer:CD - Ostatní
Price excluding VAT:312,00 CZK (13,00 €)
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Do you want to look into your destiny book? This CD will allow you to do just that. You can learn where you come from and what you are gifted to understand. Because the music is so beautiful, you will surely enjoy one CD for listening anytime and anywhere and the other CD for meditation to find your own inner truths. Let this CD be of use to you and you will find your inner truth thanks to it. With love, Zdenka Blechová.

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