
Black Hole - 2 CDmp3 - Yrsa Sigurdardóttir

The second part of the Icelandic trilogy with detective Huldar and psychologist Freyja.
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127 CZK (5,29 €)
List price: 169 CZK (7,04 €)
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List Number: 32550
EAN: 8594169483122
Price excluding VAT:126,75 CZK (5,28 €)
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It is really necessary to take so seriously the message of a thirteen-year-old schoolboy who once left a time capsule
a hateful message prophesying death to several people? Detective Huldar believes that the investigation
he was put in charge of a banal battle only so that the police leadership would keep him away from real cases,
because in the past he lost his moral credit and the post of head of the department. Fortunately, the quest allows him to
again to meet with child psychologist Freyja, who will hopefully shed some light on how he faces the deranged brain. But then they are
severed hands are found in a certain garden pool, shortly after their brutally murdered
the owner and then the next body, with the names of the dead matching the initials from the list. It is on peaceful
Is Iceland still just a coincidence, or is someone taking drastic revenge here?

Read Klára Cibulková
Recording length 12 hours 47 minutes

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