
Czech-Swedish conversation

Janešová Jarmila | Prokopová Libuše | Larsson Mats
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174 CZK (7,25 €)
List price: 249 CZK (10,38 €)
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In stock (1 )
List Number: 00247
EAN: 9788085927887
Price excluding VAT:174,30 CZK (7,26 €)
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Practical conversation guide especially suitable for traveling to Sweden and Swedish-speaking Finland. It is useful for students and others interested in Swedish who want to deepen and develop their knowledge of the language. In 18 thematic sections, it provides more than 3000 conversational turns and sentences, relevant vocabulary, also includes differences in reality, lessons on pronunciation and grammar, a list of the most famous abbreviations, general information and social expressions. The manual was written by a native speaker using the Czech background. It is the first Swedish language manual on our market complete with an audio cassette.

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