
The way back to yourself

How to understand yourself, permanently change your internal settings and live in harmony with yourself. König Lucia
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359 CZK (14,96 €)
List price: 449 CZK (18,71 €)
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List Number: 29940
EAN: 9788011006006
Price excluding VAT:359,20 CZK (14,97 €)
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Do you feel confused and lost in life? Live the lives of others? Are you looking for yourself and your place on Earth? Do you have no vision or goal? Or have you already fulfilled them all and don't know what to do next? Do you want to slow down, take a breath, get yourself in order, in your relationships, in your life and find its deeper meaning?
Embark on a journey of self-discovery to develop the best version of yourself. The book is a great guide for anyone who feels they need a change and is looking for a way to a better and happier life. It's more than a book. With her, you will enter directly into an intensive and healing process of self-discovery. You will gradually begin to understand and heal your inner wounds. Open your heart to feelings of understanding, acceptance, relief, forgiveness and gratitude. By doing so, you allow joy and love to enter your life. The way back to yourself is a guide on how to reach the best version of yourself and live it permanently! The book is a message that we can live a beautiful, quality and fulfilling life every day. That it is here in its most beautiful form for anyone who chooses it. Step on your Journey back to yourself and light up your life.

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