
Czech express 1 (A1/1) Ukrainian - Pavla Bořilová, Lída Holá

The publication Čeština expres 1 covers half of the A1 level (A1/1) and thus represents the first part of the basic course "Czech for survival".
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352 CZK (14,67 €)
List price: 440 CZK (18,33 €)
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List Number: 33125
EAN: 9788074700798
Price excluding VAT:352,00 CZK (14,67 €)
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The publication Čeština express 1 covers half of the A1 level (A1/1) and thus represents the first part of the basic course "Czech for survival". It meets the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference and is intended for beginners who want to quickly reach the A1 language level. In seven practically focused lessons, those interested in Czech will learn to orient themselves and respond in basic communication situations (e.g. topics Getting to know each other, Orientation, My family, When do we meet, etc.). The teaching focuses on the mastery of speech skills, especially speaking and listening. Here, Czech grammar is maximally simplified and the student discovers it to a large extent by himself with the help of texts and clear tables. Čeština Express 1 consists of two parts: the monolingual text of the textbook, written in Czech, which also includes a workbook, and Appendices with vocabulary, grammar tables and explanations, which convey the knowledge of Czech in the student's mother tongue. The text of the textbook is complemented by a number of colorful photographs and original illustrations, including popular comics. Links to free recordings online. Manual for teachers for free at www.czechstepbystep.cz.

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