
Czech for everyone

The book is intended for everyone who uses Czech in their private and working life, i.e. pupils, students and adults of various ages and various professions. Hanáčková Erika
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279 CZK (11,63 €)
List price: 349 CZK (14,54 €)
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List Number: 23198
EAN: 9788075463210
Price excluding VAT:279,20 CZK (11,63 €)
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The book is intended for everyone who uses Czech in their private and working life, i.e. pupils, students and adults of different ages and various professions. The author explains in a light and simple manner the spelling phenomena in which mistakes are often made. For example, it clarifies the dreaded writing i/y, writing capital letters, written me/me, s/z, punctuation (writing commas) and the like. With the help of the book, readers will learn to write correctly so that they no longer have to worry about their language deficiencies. In this way, they will not only learn a lot of spelling tricks, but they will also get to know the meaning of some problematic words. And quite a few will like Czech, or even fall in love, just like the author of this book.

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