
What's happening at Christmas

The Christmas market is full of magical light and festive bustle, the house smells of candy and the Christmas tree, the snowy forest is quiet - everywhere you can find a lot of interesting things to discover. Anne Suess
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179 Kč (7,52 €)
List price: 299 Kč (12,56 €)
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List Number: 25669
EAN: 9788024275512
Price excluding VAT:179,40 Kč (7,54 €)
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The Christmas market is full of magical light and festive bustle, the house smells of candy and the Christmas tree, the snowy forest is quiet - everywhere you can find a lot of interesting things to discover. Eye-catching illustrations with a large amount of detail entice children to search and talk together about Christmas, about sweets and decorations, a brightly lit Christmas tree, traditions, sledding and feeding animals in the forest and much more. All young readers can thus immerse themselves in the magical world of Christmas and learn to observe. For children from 2 years old.

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