
Den Braven Cover sheet with metal mesh STANDARD, 2 m x 3 m

For effective covering of construction machinery, materials, tools, machines and carts, in the garden for covering firewood, straw, raked leaves, swimming pools against dirt.
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50 Kč (2,10 €)
List price: 65 Kč (2,73 €)
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In stock (2 )
List Number: D0041
EAN: 8595100118530
Manufacturer:Den Braven
Price excluding VAT:41,36 Kč (1,74 €)
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For effective covering of construction machinery, materials, tools, machines and carts, in the garden for covering firewood, straw, raked leaves, swimming pools against dirt. With the help of a tarp, it is possible to create light shelters for camping or bare roofs, resistant to weather effects, punctures and tears, waterproof, easily washable. It is equipped with double welded hems. The tarpaulin is solid, with metal eyelets each one meter long for fastening.

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