
Children's illustrated ATLAS OF THE WORLD - Jiří Martínek, RNDr.

You won't get lost in the world or geography with this pictorial atlas!
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269 CZK (11,21 €)
List price: 349 CZK (14,54 €)
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List Number: 32517
EAN: 9788025367001
Price excluding VAT:268,73 CZK (11,20 €)
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Go on a journey around the world! Which country is called the "Land of the White Elephant"? What language is spoken in Latin America? Which continent is the smallest? The richly illustrated atlas will gradually guide you through all the continents. You will get to know their landscape, climate or industry and find out which animals live in the area and what is grown there. You won't get lost in the world or geography with this atlas!

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