
Diet in chronic kidney diseases

Mengerová Olga | Rude Milan
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146 CZK (6,08 €)
List price: 182 CZK (7,58 €)
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In stock (2 )
List Number: 03619
EAN: 9788087250075
Manufacturer: Forsapi
Price excluding VAT:145,60 CZK (6,07 €)
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Brief description of the book Diet for chronic kidney disease: This guide is intended primarily for patients with kidney disease and their partners and families. Its goal is a brief and clear explanation of the principles of healthy nutrition in chronic kidney disease, treated conservatively, without dialysis. The general principles of dietary recommendations are detailed in the recipe section, which provides all interested parties with practical guidance on how to deal with the restriction of some common food components with regard to the underlying disease.< /p>

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