
The Dictator's Muse - Farndale Nigel

Hitler's propaganda star Leni Riefenstahl and the Berlin Olympics. It is 1933 and Europe is holding its breath. Hitler consolidates his power and preparations for the Berlin Olympics begin. Leni Riefenstahl - the film pioneer and free-spirited star of the Third Reich - was commissioned by Hitler himself to capture the Olympic Games on film. However, Leni soon discovers that the favor of the powerful is fickle and even those closest to her cannot be sure of life.
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307 CZK (12,79 €)
List price: 399 CZK (16,63 €)
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List Number: 25777
EAN: 9788076252035
Price excluding VAT:307,23 CZK (12,80 €)
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When German film historian Sigrun Meier discovers cut and never-before-seen footage in 2005, it is the beginning of the journey to a long-buried secret in which Leni Riefenstahl herself played the main role.

It is 1933 and Europe is holding its breath. Hitler consolidates his power and preparations for the Berlin Olympics begin. Leni Riefenstahl - the film pioneer and free-spirited star of the Third Reich - was commissioned by Hitler himself to capture the Olympic Games on film. However, Leni soon discovers that the favor of the powerful is fickle and even those closest to her cannot be sure of life.

Kim Newlands, an English athlete supported by the British Union of Fascists, is wholeheartedly devoted to his superficial high society girlfriend Connie. However, his desire to win Olympic gold takes its toll and Kim is forced to deny who he really is.

The Welsh communist Alun Pryce, in turn, was commissioned to infiltrate the British fascists. When he befriends Kim and Connie, he must decide for himself if the end really justifies the means.

Leni can manipulate the truth through her camera and memory. Although she likes to leave some scenes from her own life on the cutting room floor, that doesn't mean they're lost forever. What will happen when everyone's fates inevitably intersect in Berlin, during the Olympic Games? What secrets will Sigrun uncover during her quest?

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