
The girl from the dam - Jan Cimický, Zdeněk Volný

One day a dead girl is found in a dam near the district town.
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66 CZK (2,75 €)
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List Number: 07962
EAN: 9788073761813
Price excluding VAT:66,33 CZK (2,76 €)
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One day a dead girl is found in a dam near the district town. An investigation is immediately launched, unfortunately unsuccessful. They don't even manage to find out the girl's identity. No one knows the girl, no one misses her. For now, however, death is creeping up on another young woman. The police are clueless. Pavel Šulc, a young journalist, joins the search on his own, who encounters the musty climate of a small town and faces the motivations that most often drive human behavior - greed, corruption and fear. o In 1998, the authors were awarded the Jiří Marko Award for the best detective novel of the year.

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