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DVD Southern Hospitality - Posetka

Somewhere in the middle of the endless swamps of Louisiana, the drama of members of the US National Guard is taking place...
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38 CZK (1,58 €)
List price: 49 CZK (2,04 €)
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List Number: V206
EAN: 8594007300390
Price excluding VAT:31,19 CZK (1,30 €)
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Somewhere in the middle of the endless swamps of Louisiana, the drama of members of the American National Guard takes place, who come into sharp conflict with the old settlers during army training because of a triviality. A banal theft causes unnecessary bloodshed and the struggle for survival in the swamps begins to bear a striking resemblance to the Vietnam War. For members of the "weekend" army in the Louisiana swamps, a routine exercise suddenly turns into a literal hell on earth from which there is no escape.

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