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DVD Stalin - posetka

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was one of the cruelest dictators in human history. His funeral on March 9, 1953 was attended by 5 million people.
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38 CZK (1,58 €)
List price: 49 CZK (2,04 €)
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List Number: V210
EAN: 8594007300024
Price excluding VAT:31,19 CZK (1,30 €)
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Josif Vissarionovich Stalin was one of the cruelest dictators in human history. His funeral on March 9, 1953 was attended by 5 million people. A burial worthy of God for one of history's greatest criminals. During his thirty-year reign of terror, the self-proclaimed "Father of Nations" caused the death of 20 million people. How does the noble goal of unity and equality become a twisted nightmare? How could this abused child growing up in poverty and a limited pseudo-revolutionary become the head of the world's greatest country? This documentary examines these questions through previously unpublished images from historical archives. Now you have the opportunity for the first time to look into a dark period of Soviet history in color - two-thirds of the archive footage has been additionally colorized, while the rest was originally shot on color film. The result is a real spectacle that perfectly describes the atmosphere of the time. The characters of ancient dramas come to life, and the military parades on Red Square breathe reality.

length: 170 minutes

year of publication: 2005

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