

At an abandoned intersection somewhere in Georgia, a man gets off the bus one morning... Child Lee
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319 CZK (13,29 €)
List price: 399 CZK (16,63 €)
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List Number: 28597
EAN: 9788075955890
Manufacturer: BB/art
Price excluding VAT:319,20 CZK (13,30 €)
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At an abandoned intersection somewhere in Georgia, a man gets off the bus one morning and walks fourteen miles in the rain to the quaint town of Margrave, following in the footsteps of a long-dead musician. There, however, he is immediately arrested and, as the only foreigner in the city, accused of murder: the first that has occurred here in the last thirty years. But Jack Reacher is not just any drifter. He is a seasoned military policeman, raised by the military from childhood, trained to think fast and act even faster. As the circumstances testifying to a large-scale criminal conspiracy gradually come to light and the murdered continue to increase, it becomes more and more obvious that the perpetrators in Jack Reacher have chosen the wrong scapegoat.

The suspenseful, gritty thriller from the British bestselling author delivers one shocking, wild and violent scene after another while also telling a tender love story. All this is seasoned with quirky, dry humor. Above all, however, it breathes life into a number of exceptional, well-drawn characters: first of all, Jack Reacher, who was forever etched in the subconscious of readers of the thriller genre with this novel.

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