
There is still time

The book is about the great opportunity that 2012, the year of meeting, gives us. Zdeňka Jordánová
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176 CZK (7,33 €)
List price: 220 CZK (9,17 €)
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List Number: 01457
EAN: 9788074390470
Price excluding VAT:176,00 CZK (7,33 €)
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hardcover, 168 pages, 12 × 17 cm

The book discusses the great opportunity that 2012, the year of meeting, gives us. The author understands this year as an opportunity for each of us to change, to meet, above all, ourselves, to discover our cosmic roots and connections, to remember what each of us has known for a long time, to get to know our inner world. With this true encounter, everyone can fulfill the original cosmic plan of a perfect, meaningful and happy life in the material world here on Earth. It depends on each individual, where everything will go next... The time of changes is coming...

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