
Every boss is an ox

Štědroň Jiří
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77 Kč (3,24 €)
List price: 129 Kč (5,42 €)
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In stock (3 )
List Number: 17946
EAN: 9788072439577
Price excluding VAT:77,40 Kč (3,25 €)
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Two stories in which the author is based on his professional and life experiences.
The hero of the novella Sklenáři Patrik Vávra is a former actor trying his luck in a small, dynamic advertising agency. As a clerk, he wants to get a position with an attractive client, which he succeeds in doing, but he gets into a lot of trouble, and even loses his life several times. At first glance, the orderly and respectable banking company repays him for his somewhat brazen attempt without mercy. In the short story Every boss is an ox, a popular actor and singer returns from prison and struggles to build on his former glory. He is haunted by the shadows of the past and new problems with the owner of the theater where he got the job. The story also features beautiful women, mysterious mobsters and a treacherous inspector. With the help of the lawmen, will the hero be able to overcome all the pitfalls and integrate into a new life? Stědroň JiříStědroň Jiří

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