
The mole metro

Kratochvíl Miloš
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8 CZK (0,33 €)
List price: 10 CZK (0,42 €)
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In stock (5 )
List Number: 01041
EAN: 9788073874810
Price excluding VAT:8,00 CZK (0,33 €)
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Format: 102 x 145 mm

Number of pages: 16


Who has the CROWN? Gold is most often the king. Of the seasons, the most deserving of a royal CROWN would be spring or summer, when the world shines the most, everything blooms, birds sing the most songs, poets write the most poems... And now anyone with a CROWN in their pocket can buy them!

Krtčí metro book really only costs one Czech crown! That little round coin that you can hardly buy anything with anymore. We made a book for you for a crown for the love of spring, summer, joy and, above all, for the love of you who like to read and say nursery rhymes...

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