
Laura H.

I escaped the Islamic State. The true story of a girl who sought her happiness in a nightmare. Rueb Thomas
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383 Kč (16,09 €)
List price: 498 Kč (20,92 €)
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List Number: 29878
EAN: 9788075659996
Price excluding VAT:383,46 Kč (16,11 €)
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I escaped the Islamic State. The true story of a girl who sought her happiness in a nightmare. From the conversion to Islam, life in the caliphate, which is chilling, to the return to Europe surrounded by question marks.

In the summer of 2016, a young woman was found fleeing the desert with two small children on the border of the Islamic State. Her name is Laura, she claimed, and she is from the Dutch town of Zoetermeer. In tears, she tells that she ran away and wants to go home, where her father, who launched the entire rescue operation together with a mysterious private commando, is waiting for her. At Schiphol Airport, Laura is arrested. After all, she could have been sent by the Islamic State to carry out the attack. And where is Ibrahim, the handsome jihadist she gave up everything for? Laura from Zoetermeer becomes Laura H., the most famous Dutch case of a girl who fled to Syria.

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