
Chronicles of the Royal Chamber V.

The Last Cantilena / The Tudor Secret Vondruska Vlastimil
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269 CZK (11,21 €)
List price: 349 CZK (14,54 €)
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List Number: 28037
EAN: 9788027904952
Price excluding VAT:268,73 CZK (11,20 €)
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Two stories of the scribe of the royal chamber Jiří Adam from Dobronín take place in the middle of the 16th century. The final cantilena introduces the royal scribe to the fraternity of temple singers. The strange death of one of them would probably not have interested the royal chamber at all, if the ancient chantry had not been lost at the same time. But only the insiders know why the book is so valuable. In The Secret of the Tudors, Jiří Adam leaves Dobronín as an envoy to the court of Queen Mary of England, and with him Kateřina Dolanská, known from Teplice spas, who is much better at diplomacy than he is. But it soon turns out that her task is completely different. The quest to uncover an ancient murder takes them not only to the cells of the gloomy Tower, but also to the ruins of a ruined abbey near Canterbury...

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