
A lie has short legs but a long dick

Valenta Milan | Svoboda Pavel | Valenta Josef | Kašpar Pavel | Arnošt Bech | Coach Sylva | Schmalz Michal | Demel Miroslav | Rudolph the Ram | Chalupová Jana | Růžička Michal | Holzer Lubomír
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188 CZK (7,83 €)
List price: 250 CZK (10,42 €)
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List Number: 31633
EAN: 9788074873294
Manufacturer:Carpe di
Price excluding VAT:187,50 CZK (7,81 €)
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The fourth volume of exclusively erotic poetry by authors associated in the Club of Poetic Scoundrels, i.e. x times about one and the same thing, but still boldly and interestingly. The following authors are represented in the anthology: Milan Valenta, Josef Valenta, Arnošt Bechr, Sylva Kočí, Michal Schmalz, Miroslav Demel, Rudolf B. Beran, Pavel Svoboda, HW Anonyma, Jana Chalupová, Michal Růžička, Lubomír Holzer and Pavel Kašpar. The poems are accompanied by illustrations by Arnošt Bechr.

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