
Lili Windbreaker: The penguin would like to fly by

Ever since the penguins moved into the zoo, animal interpreter Lili has been busy...Tanya Stewner
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194 CZK (8,08 €)
List price: 259 CZK (10,79 €)
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In stock (2 )
List Number: 27448
EAN: 9788024280288
Price excluding VAT:194,25 CZK (8,09 €)
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Ever since the penguins moved into the zoo, animal interpreter Lili has had her hands full: the enclosure is full of problem animals! Yuki, a tiny spectacled penguin, worries her the most. He longs to fly - like a real bird. But penguins can't fly! Will Lili and her friend Lukáš manage to fulfill his longed-for wish? The book is intended for children aged 8 and over.

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