
Honey pearls - Why our life is sweeter than we think

Pignitter's Melanie
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295 CZK (12,29 €)
List price: 369 CZK (15,38 €)
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List Number: 31741
EAN: 9788076701083
Price excluding VAT:295,20 CZK (12,30 €)
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I'm just about to wipe off a few drops of honey that dripped onto my table, and I notice how the amber-gold drops glisten beautifully in the morning sun, just like pearls. This is how it is with every inconvenience or problem: Even in them - just like in pearls of honey - we find a gift waiting to be unwrapped.
"All misfortunes, crises, dramas and blows of fate can become great gifts for us - only if we dare to look carefully, listen to our gut, recognize the signs and then act on them."
The author of this book, Melanie Pignitter, suffered from excruciating migraines for over a year that nothing seemed to help. She managed to defeat them only thanks to mental training. On her journey to find help, she discovered honey pearls, gifts of life that at first glance look like a greater or lesser disaster. In this book, she has put together tips and approaches that have worked for her, as well as practical exercises and instructions on how to take the good out of the bad things that happen to us in life. In short, how to find honey pearls around us to make our life sweeter.

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