
Mystical Wisdom - Book and 46 cards

Guthrie Gaye
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355 CZK (14,79 €)
List price: 444 CZK (18,50 €)
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In stock (2 )
List Number: 31466
EAN: 9788073706111
Price excluding VAT:355,20 CZK (14,80 €)
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Mystical Wisdom cards are inspired by gods, goddesses, angels and spirit guides from the animal kingdom. They bring advice for the present moment as well as predictions for the future. Each of us has the ability to change our lives, as well as the free will to choose from an infinite number of options. On the cards you will find animals and beings that will give you their advice, guidance and messages. If you want to delve deeper into the mysteries and mysteries of life, then these cards will guide you gently, yet unmistakably, to the answers you seek.

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