
Dirty game

Attorney Dani Rollins is relentless in the courtroom, pushing judges and prosecutors to the limit in defense of innocent people. Victor Methos
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279 CZK (11,63 €)
List price: 349 CZK (14,54 €)
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List Number: 26597
EAN: 9788024278063
Price excluding VAT:279,20 CZK (11,63 €)
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Attorney Dani Rollins is unyielding in the courtroom - pushing judges and prosecutors to the limit in defense of innocent people. When she meets Teddy Thorne, a mentally challenged teenager accused of drug distribution, she's convinced it will be an easy matter - just a few court appearances and the case will be over. But the prosecutors are trying to try Teddy as an adult, and that would be a severe sentence. Dani gradually suspects that Teddy is being used as a pawn in some kind of sinister game... In his next legal thriller, Victor Methos once again shows that he has a Grishamian insight into the complex gears of guilt and punishment.

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