
The most beautiful among cows

Zuzana Hubeňáková's books bring a light-hearted look at unusual things, but also the common, everyday and ubiquitous Zuzana Hubeňáková
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209 CZK (8,71 €)
List price: 279 CZK (11,63 €)
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In stock (1 )
List Number: 23715
EAN: 9788024944272
Price excluding VAT:209,25 CZK (8,72 €)
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Zuzana Hubeňáková's books bring a light-hearted look at unusual things, but also the common, everyday and ubiquitous - such as a tissue in the washing machine. And it is insight, a sense of humor and a talent for observation that is a basic building block even for a new set of journalistic texts. The book is so light that the most difficult thing about it is to find the least painful possible explanation why, when looking for a suitable gift, after reading The Most Beautiful among Cows, the gifted person suddenly popped into your mind.

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