
About mercy - Kateřina Lachmanová

The fourth edition is published in the extraordinary Year of Mercy, declared by Pope Francis.
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111 CZK (4,63 €)
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List Number: 32696
EAN: 9788071959038
Price excluding VAT:111,20 CZK (4,63 €)
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The fourth edition is published in the extraordinary Year of Mercy, announced by Pope Francis. We are invited to meditate more on God's mercy, because it is a source of joy and peace, but also of the desire to be transformed by it. The booklet contains forty short reflections, inspired by the sayings of the Scriptures, saints and unholy, in short, those who have known God's love and believed in it. It reflects God's mercy towards us, our mercy towards our neighbors, but also mercy towards ourselves, or the ability to accept God's love and forgiveness with humble trust.

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