
Discover the animal kingdom

Did you know that jellyfish and sponges are among the oldest forms of animals? Taylor Marianne
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384 Kč (16,13 €)
List price: 499 Kč (20,97 €)
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List Number: 29417
EAN: 9788024286235
Price excluding VAT:384,23 Kč (16,14 €)
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Did you know that jellyfish and mushrooms are among the oldest forms of animals? That sloths have a deep and useful bond with the algae and tiny flukes that live in their fur? That the smallest birds are descendants of massive dinosaurs? That some animals are solitary, but others, including wolves, lions and elephants, are deeply dependent on their pack? Marianne Taylor explores the amazing diversity of the animal world, how it evolved into the species we know today. The book deals with all the major animal kingdoms and their interrelationships. A number of themed circuits delve deeper into points of interest such as coral reefs, the importance of insects in ecology and the era of the dinosaurs.

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