
We dress Eskimo dolls-Anouk

Width: 11 cm Height: 20 cm
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153 Kč (6,43 €)
List price: 199 Kč (8,36 €)
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List Number: 07603
EAN: 9788087034262
Manufacturer:Presco Group
Price excluding VAT:153,23 Kč (6,44 €)
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Tahiti with Mohea, Spain with Ines, Indian fashion with Aponi, Eskimo customs with Anouk - these are the first four titles of a creative series that will gradually take young readers to more than thirteen near and far corners of the globe. A series that has already found its admirers in almost thirty countries around the world... Do you want to know more? Take a look at the other pages - and let yourself be absorbed in the magical world of Mohey, Ines, Aponi or Anouk.

Creative coloring books, patterns, stickers... these books contain everything you need to create a Tahitian model , Spanish, Indian or Eskimo fashions. Themes inspired by traditions stimulate the imagination, and children learn some interesting information on top!

Author and illustrator: Julie Camel and team
Genre:< /strong> Art workshop
Recommended: from 3 years
Number of pages: 82 and 4 sheets of stickers
Year of publication: 2016

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