
Felt toys Farm + 28 felt stickers and 5 scenes to play

You can not only read in this book, but you can also play with it! In addition to talking, it contains colorful scenes from life on the farm...
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172 CZK (7,17 €)
List price: 229 CZK (9,54 €)
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List Number: 30849
EAN: 9788072677726
Price excluding VAT:171,75 CZK (7,16 €)
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You can not only read in this book, but you can also play with it! In addition to the story, it contains colorful scenes from life on the farm, in which you can place various game pieces and thus illustrate the story in your own way.
The soft felt parts, which include not only animals, but also a farmer, a sun or a cloud, hold well on the pages and can be used repeatedly, so you can change your images in different ways.

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