
I can deal with the Czech language of the 6th - 9th grades

Author: Vlasta Gazdíková Format: 160x230mm Number of pages: 152 Binding: Paperback Manufacturer: Pierot Year of publication: 2018
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142 CZK (5,92 €)
List price: 189 CZK (7,88 €)
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List Number: 12364
EAN: 9788073536268
Price excluding VAT:141,75 CZK (5,91 €)
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The title I will help you with Czech in the 6th - 9th grade is intended for all pupils who need to review the material of the 6th - 9th year of primary school.
Individual exercises are clearly marked so that it is clear to to which grade the curriculum applies.
The book can also be recommended as a preparation for secondary school entrance exams and a comprehensive teaching aid for multi-year grammar schools.

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