
Corkscrew Great Grandma

A corkscrew in the shape of a wine bottle with an original vignette print is a suitable gift for all wine lovers.
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76 Kč (3,19 €)
List price: 99 Kč (4,16 €)
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In stock (14 )
List Number: 18817
EAN: 8594051533607
Manufacturer:Happy Spirit
Price excluding VAT:63,00 Kč (2,65 €)
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The corkscrew in the shape of a wine bottle with an original vignette print is a suitable gift for all wine lovers.

Enjoy your moment in good company! The corkscrew with a magnet for attaching to the fridge is packed in a gift box.

Dimensions 12.5 x 3.5 x 2.5 cm.

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