
Pride and persuasion

Jane Austen
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187 CZK (7,79 €)
List price: 249 CZK (10,38 €)
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List Number: 00265
EAN: 9788073352424
Price excluding VAT:186,75 CZK (7,78 €)
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Format: A5

Number of Pages: 312

"The First Modern English Author" - "Shakespeare's Younger Sister" - these are just two of the many flattering attributes with which admirers pay tribute to the author, who has attracted the unceasing love of grateful readers for more than two centuries. Austen lived at a time when literature was dominated by romanticism, stormy feelings, dark tragedy, an excess of sentiment, but she was given a playful, ironic, comic vision of the surrounding world, a sense of moral values, the ability to see people to the bottom of their souls, and a sovereign storytelling talent. "I write about love and money, what else can you write about?" she once pointed out. And love in its changing forms, faithful and treacherous, lost and found again, self-centered and self-sacrificing, accompanies the gentle Anna, Cinderella in the family of a foolish, vain baronet, and her sensitive soul is subjected to more than one test before she and everyone around her finish their human comedy .
The novel we called "Pride and Persuasion" was published posthumously in 1818 under the title "Persuasion."

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