
Bathroom renovation? You can do it!

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112 CZK (4,67 €)
List price: 149 CZK (6,21 €)
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In stock (1 )
List Number: 09017
EAN: 9788072369492
Price excluding VAT:111,75 CZK (4,66 €)
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How to install underfloor heating and build in a bathtub?
Whether you choose hot water or electric heating, you will always appreciate the pleasant warmth of your feet when you get out of the bath or shower.

How to cover the walls and floor?
With new tiles and tiling, the bathroom will get a unique look. At the same time, every do-it-yourselfer can handle the laying himself, and in addition, he will save a lot of money.

How to install lighting?
We spend more time in front of the bathroom mirror than it would seem at first glance. Its good lighting is therefore very important.

How to make bathroom furniture?
Make custom bathroom furniture. Thanks to this, you will be able to use the space available to you to the maximum extent.

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