
Broken Happiness - 2nd Edition

Author: Táňa Keleová-Vasilková Format: A5 Number of pages: 408 Binding: Solid Manufacturer: Noxi
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263 CZK (10,96 €)
List price: 329 CZK (13,71 €)
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List Number: 05153
EAN: 9788081112850
Price excluding VAT:263,20 CZK (10,97 €)
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The story of husband and wife Terka and Andrej begins almost idyllically: they live in a nice, modernly furnished apartment with two children, little Emilka and adolescent Adam, and it seems that they lack nothing to make them happy. The only thing that bothers Terka and she doesn't know how to deal with it is the fact that she and Adam, Andrej's son from her first marriage, can't find their way to each other, even if they try very hard. A serious crisis in the marriage occurs when Andrej, the owner of a travel agency, cuts his taxes and goes to prison. Terka will be left alone to raise the children and must cope with situations she never dreamed of before...

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