
Lilac on the go

The story of a boy who decided to go on a journey… Zdeňka Jordánová
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376 CZK (15,67 €)
List price: 470 CZK (19,58 €)
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List Number: 01464
EAN: 9788074390548
Price excluding VAT:376,00 CZK (15,67 €)
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hardcover, 120 pages, 21 × 30 cm

A story about a boy who decided to go on a journey... On his long journey through space and about one stop here on Earth. His story will most likely resemble the journey of each of us. With simple questions and connections, he will make us think about the meaning of our life. The book is illustrated by the author and supplemented by "pictures from the sky" by the painter Zdenek Hajné. The story of Sirinka, the story will help many of you remember your old home high in the stars.

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