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A novel about how easy it is to lose control of life and how difficult it is to regain it Sally and Liss — two women who couldn't be more different. Ewald Arenz
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307 Kč (12,90 €)
List price: 399 Kč (16,76 €)
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List Number: 26339
EAN: 9788027508341
Price excluding VAT:307,23 Kč (12,91 €)
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A novel about how easy it is to lose control of life and how difficult it is to regain it Sally and Liss — two women who couldn't be more different. Sally has graduation coming up, but all she wants is to have a room. She is angry with everyone and hates everything: proposals, offers, rules, regulations, adults... But most of all, she hates questions, especially those related to her appearance. And so he decides to run away. The taciturn Liss lives alone on a farm among fields and vineyards and seems to handle all the chores around the farm without any problems. Right from the first meeting, Sally discovers that Liss is different from other adults — she doesn't sneak a look at her, she doesn't judge her, she doesn't ask her suspicious questions. Liss offers Sally a night's lodging, and one night at the farm turns into an indefinite stay. Sally helps Liss with the farm and discovers the charm of the ordinary among the old pear trees and beehives. However, Liss is not nearly as strong as she seems, and it may not be Sally who needs saving after all.
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