
World cuisine full of herbs and spices - damaged

Author: Kateřina Winterová Format: 228x267mm Number of pages: 256 Binding: Solid Producer: Czech Television Edition Year of publication: 2019
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185 CZK (7,71 €)
List price: 299 CZK (12,46 €)
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List Number: 17729
EAN: 9788074043260
Manufacturer:Edice Če
Price excluding VAT:184,78 CZK (7,70 €)
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The book has a torn spine and bumped corners, see pictures 2 and 3

Herbs, health and inspiration, that is the motto of the program Herbář from the beginning. And what else? How about spices? Exotic, healing and full of flavor! Spices are world cuisine and a herbarium in one. "You are holding in your hands my herbarium of spices, world herbs, exotic crops and the entire studio of flavors in world recipes, which everyone can cook at home. This isn't just a cookbook, it's the globe on a plate! While preparing the book Světová, my dream came true. I was standing not far from the equator, in a garden full of fresh pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg, cloves and vanilla. Papaya, cocoa, jackfruit and mango were ripening above me. I was on a jump in paradise! And I really enjoyed it. That's all this book is about. For a jump in paradise. Yours, Kateřina Winterová." From the contents of the book: Herbarium of spices, Spice mixtures, The healthiest cuisine in the world, Along the Silk Road, Eastern reaches, Asia behind the Czech window, Journey to the west, Dessert paradise delights, Spiced syrups.

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