
Secret Sunday recipes - Spring

Author: Klára Trnková Format: 114x148mm Number of pages: 40 Binding: Paperback Manufacturer: STUDIO Trnka Year of publication: 2009
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53 Kč (2,23 €)
List price: 69 Kč (2,90 €)
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List Number: 14705
EAN: 9788087209271
Manufacturer:Studio Trnka
Price excluding VAT:53,13 Kč (2,23 €)
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In the Secret Sunday Recipes series you will find a menu for every Sunday of the year. In the first notebook, grandma will advise you on what to eat for lunch in the spring. Here you will find the best tried and tested family recipes. The book is compiled in such a way that no meal is repeated throughout the year. You will also learn something about coffee and how to serve it. The illustrations are again collages from old pictures and postcards.

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