
Tarot - Minor Arcana, cards + book

When interpreting tarot cards, these cards can alert us to possible dangers.
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55 CZK (2,29 €)
List price: 69 CZK (2,87 €)
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List Number: 02672
EAN: 9788363024642
Manufacturer:Jan Press
Price excluding VAT:45,62 CZK (1,90 €)
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The cards of the Minor Arcana are elemental cards, in the interpretation of the cards they describe all areas of a person's life, situations, events and characteristics that we can influence. When interpreting tarot cards, these cards can alert us to possible dangers.
The four elements Fire-Sticks, Water-Cups, Air-Swords, Earth-Coins are represented in them. Each group of cards includes fourteen cards - ten numbered from Ace to 10 and four figure cards - King, Queen, Knight, Page.

When interpreting the tarot, the figurative cards lead us in different directions. They can talk about the personality of the person we are dealing with, or describe the situation and its adjustment. But when interpreting the cards, they can also draw attention to the qualities that we need to achieve a goal or overcome an obstacle, or those qualities that we should be careful about and try to eliminate. It is also important for these cards that each figure is assigned to a certain element: King - Fire, Queen - Water, Knight - Air, Page - Earth. When interpreting the cards, this determines the characteristics of the combinations of elements (for example, with the King of Holies card, the Fire element is enhanced, with the King of Cups card, the Fire element is dampened by the Water element.

Meanings of cards - Minor Arcana - Wands
Meanings of cards - minor arcana - swords
Card meanings - minor arcana - cups
Meanings of cards - minor arcana - coins

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