
The Trigger : The Lie That Changed the World

Icke David
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Numer katalogu: 20243
EAN: 9781916025806
Cena bez VAT:629,10 CZK (26,21 €)
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He wrote in the 90's about the 2008 Banking Crash, The War on Terror, Transhumanist Agenda, Microchipping, the Cashless Society and more. In this Book he takes a look back at the event that shook the World in 2001, the September 11th attacks in New York. He looks at who was really behind it and why, what has happened in the years following 911, the increasing evidence to show the official story doesn't stand up to research and what has happened in the World since that day. This is one of the most controversial books ever written.

Pořadí vydání:1
Rok vydání2019
Rozměr235x133x60 mm
Váha885 g
Počet stran928
AutorIcke David
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