
Your fault

The book Your fault, the second part of the romantic trilogy Viníci by Mercedes Ron about a tough guy with a big heart and a good girl... Ron Mercedes
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307 Kč (12,90 €)
List price: 399 Kč (16,76 €)
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In stock (2 )
List Number: 30815
EAN: 9788027703982
Price excluding VAT:307,23 Kč (12,91 €)
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The book Your Guilt, the second part of Mercedes Ron's romantic Guilty Trilogy about a tough guy with a big heart and a good girl with a lot of courage, contains even more romance, betrayal and mystery.

When Noah fell in love with Nick, she knew their relationship wouldn't be easy: they're opposites like fire and water, and when they're together, dangerous sparks fly... in absolutely every direction.

Until now, their passion has been stronger than their pride, but the age difference, college, parties, parents, and the shadows from the past that haunt them both test them again and again like a ticking time bomb that threatens to explode.

Is Noah really ready to face her fear and trust someone again?

Can Nicholas let go of his past and open his heart to just one person?

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