
At my mother's: A collection of Czech nursery rhymes and fairy tales

Classic and lesser-known folk tales, songs, games, rhymes and riddles for the smallest children, illustrated by Josef Lada and collected in a book, tell about the everyday life of ordinary people, about their joys and sorrows, about domestic animals and about work.Lada Josef, Plicka Karel, Volf František
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284 CZK (11,83 €)
List price: 379 CZK (15,79 €)
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In stock (1 )
List Number: 22384
EAN: 9788024270609
Price excluding VAT:284,25 CZK (11,84 €)
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Classic and less well-known folk tales, songs, games, rhymes and riddles for the smallest children, illustrated by Josef Lada and collected in a book, tell about the everyday life of ordinary people, about their joys and sorrows, about pets and work.< /p>

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